In the news

Newspaper Op-Eds

Marrow, Helen B. 2017. “How the ACA’s Repeal will Hurt North Carolina.” Raleigh News and Observer, January 10.

Marrow, Helen B. 2013. “Immigration Reform: Four Reasons a Path to Citizenship is a No-Brainer.” Raleigh News and Observer, July 10.

Marrow, Helen B. and Tomás R. Jiménez. 2013. “Mexican American Mobility:  Assimilation Fears Should Not Hinder Immigration Reform.” Los Angeles Times, July 2.

Reprinted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 8, A19.

Marrow, Helen B.  2013.  “Counsel for the Second Term:  Tufts Professors Offer Advice to Barack Obama on the Economy, Health Care, Politics, Immigration, Science Education, and Food Policy.”  Tufts Now, January 22.

Marrow, Helen B. 2007. “County’s Language Ban Could Backfire on It.”  Washington Daily News (Beaufort County, NC), February 28.

Online Op-Eds and Research Summaries

Marrow, Helen B., Will Tyson, Susan C. Pearce, Martha Crowley, and Kim Ebert. 2018. “Is Unauthorized Immigration an Economic Drain on American Communities? Research Says No.” Contexts Blog, May 21.

Marrow, Helen B. 2014. “The President’s Executive Order: What Difference Will it Make for Immigrants?”  The, November 21.

Selected Policy Briefs

Marrow, Helen B. 2017. “What Repeal of Obamacare Will Mean for North Carolina.” Scholars Strategy Network:  Research to Improve Policy and Enhance Democracy, January.

Marrow, Helen B. 2016. “HB 2985 and Drivers’ Licenses for Unauthorized Massachusetts Residents:  What does the Research Advise?” Memorandum to Members of the Massachusetts Legislature, on behalf of the Scholars Strategy Network:  Research to Improve Policy and Enhance Democracy (May 12).


Marrow, Helen B. 2022. “Skin Tone and Mexicans’ Perceptions of Discrimination in New Immigrant Destinations.” Social Psychology Quarterly Podcast with Jamie Aughenbach, American Sociological Association, December 2.