Marrow, Helen B. 2011. New Destination Dreaming: Immigration, Race, and Legal Status in the Rural American South. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Waters, Mary C. and Reed Ueda with Helen B. Marrow (Eds.). 2007. The New Americans: A Guide to Immigration since 1965. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Journal Issues
Joseph, Tiffany D. and Helen B. Marrow (Special Issue Guest Editors). 2017. “Health Care, Immigrants and Minorities: Lessons from the Affordable Care Act in the United States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(12)
Journal Articles
Marrow, Helen B. and Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels. 2025. “Imagined Exit as Voice: Americans’ Emigration Aspirations under Obama and Trump.” International Migration Review. Online first:
Adem, Muna, Shelley Rao, Helen B. Marrow, Melissa García, and Dina G. Okamoto. 2023. “A Relational Approach to Perceived Discrimination: The Case of South Asian Indians.” Social Psychology Quarterly 86(3) (Special Issue on Race, Racism, and Discrimination, edited by Corey D. Fields, Verna M. Keith, and Justine E. Tinkler): 357–78.
Marrow, Helen B., Dina G. Okamoto, Melissa García, Muna Adem, and Linda R. Tropp. 2022. “Skin Tone and Mexicans’ Perceptions of Discrimination in New Immigrant Destinations.” Social Psychology Quarterly 85(4): 374-85.
Okamoto, Dina, G. Linda R. Tropp, Helen B. Marrow, and Michael Jones-Correa. 2020. “Welcoming, Trust and Civic Engagement: Immigrant Integration in Metropolitan America.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 690: 61-81.
Marrow, Helen B. 2020. “Hope Turned Sour: Second-Generation Incorporation and Mobility in U.S. New Immigrant Destinations.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(1): 99-118.
This article, alongside the others in the special journal issue of which it is part, will be re-printed within an edited book volume as:
Marrow, Helen B. 2020. “Hope Turned Sour: Second-Generation Incorporation and Mobility in U.S. New Immigrant Destinations.” In The End of Compassion: Children of Immigrants in the Age of Deportation, edited by Alejandro Portes and Patricia Fernández-Kelly. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0-367-47265-8; Planned Publication Date: 05/29/2020).
Marrow, Helen B. and Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels. 2020. “Modeling American Migration Aspirations: How Capital, Race, and National Identity Shape Americans’ Ideas about Living Abroad.” International Migration Review 54(1): 83-119.
Marrow, Helen B., Linda R. Tropp, Meta van der Linden, Dina G. Okamoto, and Michael Jones-Correa. 2019. “How does Inter-Racial Contact Shape Whites and Blacks’ Receptivity toward Immigrants in the United States?” Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 16(2): 385-416. DOI:
Jones-Correa, Michael, Helen B. Marrow, Dina G. Okamoto, and Linda R. Tropp. 2018. “Immigrant Perceptions of Native-Born Receptivity and the Shaping of American Identity.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 4(5): 47-80.
Tropp, Linda R., Dina G. Okamoto, Helen B. Marrow, and Michael Jones-Correa. 2018. “How Contact Experiences Shape Welcoming: Perspectives from U.S.-Born and Immigrant Groups.” Social Psychology Quarterly 81(1): 23-47.
Joseph, Tiffany D. and Helen B. Marrow. 2017. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Lessons from the Affordable Care Act for the Health of Immigrants and Minorities in the United States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(12): 1965-84.
Hopkins, Daniel J., Jonathan Mummolo, Victoria M. Esses, Cheryl R. Kaiser, Helen B. Marrow, and Monica McDermott. 2016. “Out of Context: The Absence of Spatial Variation in U.S. Immigrants’ Perceptions of Discrimination.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 4(3): 363-92.
Marrow, Helen B. and Tiffany D. Joseph. 2015. “Excluded and Frozen Out: Unauthorised Immigrants’ (Non)Access to Care after U.S. Healthcare Reform.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41(14): 2253-73.
Alba, Richard D., Tomás R. Jiménez, and Helen B. Marrow. 2014. “Mexican Americans as a Paradigm for Contemporary Intra-Group Heterogeneity.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(3): 446-66.
Marrow, Helen B. 2013. “In Ireland ‘Latin Americans are Kind of Cool’: Evaluating a National Context of Reception with a Transnational Lens.” Ethnicities 13(5): 645-66.
Marrow, Helen B. 2013. “Assimilation in New Destinations.” Dædalus: The Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences 142(3): 107-22.
Marrow, Helen B. 2012. “Deserving to a Point: Unauthorized Immigrants in San Francisco’s Universal Access Healthcare Model.” Social Science & Medicine 74(6): 846-54.
Marrow, Helen B. 2012. “The Power of Local Autonomy: Expanding Health Care to Unauthorized Immigrants in San Francisco.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(1): 72-87.
Lowe, Sarah R., Kara Lustig, and Helen B. Marrow. 2011. “African American Women’s Reports of Racism during Hurricane Katrina: Variation by Interviewer Race.” The New School Psychology Bulletin 8(2): 46-57.
Marrow, Helen B. 2009. “Immigrant Bureaucratic Incorporation: The Dual Roles of Professional Missions and Government Policies.” American Sociological Review 74(5): 756-76.
Marrow, Helen B. 2009. “New Destinations and the American Colour Line.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 32(6): 1037-57.
Marrow, Helen B. 2005. “New Destinations and Immigrant Incorporation.” Perspectives on Politics 3(4): 781-99.
Marrow, Helen B. 2003. “To Be or Not To Be (Hispanic or Latino): Brazilian Racial and Ethnic Identity in the United States.” Ethnicities 3(4): 427-64.
Book Chapters
Green, Kyle and Sarah Lageson. 2018. “Collaborative Research and Question-Driven Methods: Featuring Helen B. Marrow.” Pp. 97-106 in Give Methods a Chance. New York: W. W. Norton. (See the book and other podcasts available from The Society Pages here.)
Marrow, Helen B. 2017. “The Difference a Decade of Enforcement Makes: Hispanic Racial Incorporation and Changing Intergroup Relations in the American South’s Black Belt (2003-16).” Pp. 102-20 in The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives, edited by Stefanie Chambers, Diana Evans, Anthony M. Messina, and Abigail Fisher Williamson. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Marrow, Helen B. 2011. “Race and the New Southern Migration, 1986 to the present.” Pp. 125-60 in Beyond la Frontera: The History of Mexico-US Migration, edited by Mark Overmyer-Velázquez. New York: Oxford University Press.
Translated into Spanish as: Marrow, Helen B. (under contract, in production, publication expected 2017). “Race and the New Southern Migration, 1986 to the Present.” Pp. 125-60 in Construyendo el Gran México: La emigración a Estado Unidos, edited by Mark Overmyer-Velázquez. Mexico City: Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica & Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
Marrow, Helen B. 2011. “Intergroup Relations: Reconceptualizing Discrimination and Hierarchy.” Pp. 53-76 in Being Brown in Dixie: Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Immigration in the New South, edited by Cameron D. Lippard and Charles A. Gallagher. Boulder, CO: First Forum Press.
Marrow, Helen B. 2008. “Hispanic Immigration, Black Population Size, and Intergroup Relations in the Rural and Small-Town U.S. South.” Pp. 211-48 in New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration, edited by Douglas S. Massey. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Marrow, Helen B. 2007. “Who Are the Other Latinos, and Why?” Pp. 39-77 in The Other Latinos: Central and South Americans in the United States, edited by José Luis Falconi and José Antonio Mazzotti. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.
Marrow, Helen B. 2007. “South America: Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela.” Pp. 593-611 in The New Americans: A Guide to Immigration Since 1965, edited by Mary C. Waters and Reed Ueda with Helen B. Marrow. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Marrow, Helen B. 2007. “Africa: South Africa and Zimbabwe.” Pp. 307-18 The New Americans: A Guide to Immigration Since 1965, edited by Mary C. Waters and Reed Ueda with Helen B. Marrow. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Book Reviews
Marrow, Helen B. 2021. “Book Review: Conley, Meghan. 2019. Immigrant Rights in the Nuevo South: Enforcement and Resistance at the Borderlands of Illegality. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.” Contemporary Sociology 50(2): 144-47.
Marrow, Helen B. 2017. “Book Review: Frank D. Bean, Susan K. Brown, and James D. Bachmeier. 2015. Parents without Papers: The Progress and Pitfalls of Mexican-American Integration. New York: Russell Sage.” American Journal of Sociology 112(6): 2006-08.
Marrow, Helen B. 2017. “On the Line: Latino Life in New Immigrant Destinations after 2005.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 46(3): 265-73.
Marrow, Helen B. 2015. “Book Review: Deeb-Sossa, Natalia. 2013. Doing Good: Racial Tensions and Workplace Inequalities at a Community Clinic in El Nuevo South. Tucscon, AZ: University of Arizona Press.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 44(1): 47-50.
Marrow, Helen B. 2012. “Book Review: Brettell, Caroline B. and Reed-Danahay, Deborah. 2012. Civic Engagements: The Citizenship Practices of Indian and Vietnamese Immigrants. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.” International Migration Review 46(4): 1010-12.
Marrow, Helen B. 2012. “The Latino South: The State of the Field – A Review Essay.” Latino Studies 10(1-2) (Special Themed Issue entitled “Latinas and Latinos in the U.S. South: Immigration, Integration, and Identity,” edited by Suzanne Oboler): 259-68.
Marrow, Helen B. 2011. “Book Review: Fraga, Luis Ricardo, John A. Garcia, Rodney E. Hero, Michael Jones-Correa, Valerie Martinez-Ebers, and Gary M. Segura. 2010. Latino Lives in America: Making it Home. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 40(2): 178-79.
Marrow, Helen B. 2010. “Book Review: Odem, Mary E. and Elaine Lacy (eds.). 2009. Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South. Athens: University of Georgia Press.” The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 66(4): 575-76.
Marrow, Helen B. 2009. “Book Review: Varzally, Allison. 2008. Making a Non-White America: Californians Coloring Outside Ethnic Lines, 1925-1955. Berkeley: University of California Press.” American Journal of Sociology 115(2): 628-30.
Marrow, Helen B. 2006. “Book Review: Calavita, Kitty. 2005. Immigrants at the Margins: Law, Race, and Exclusion in Southern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.” American Journal of Sociology 112(2): 637-38.
Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
Asad, Asad L., Irene Bloemraad, Helen B. Marrow, and Hajar Yazdiha. 2021. “Short Report on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the ASA Section on International Migration.” 2020-21 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee of the International Migration Section (July 16).
Marrow, Helen B. 2018. “Hope Turned Sour: Second-Generation Incorporation and Mobility in U.S. New Immigrant Destinations.” Paper invited for revision and presentation at the Children of Immigrants in the Age of Deportation Conference, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, October 26-27, 2018. Proceedings to be published in a special journal issue. Memo previously invited for presentation at the Children of Immigrants in New Places of Settlement Conference, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA, April 20-22, 2017.
Marrow, Helen B. 2013. “Undocumented Residents in the United States.” In Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, edited by Immanuel Ness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. (physical copy unable to be provided online)
Marrow, Helen B. 2005. “Argentine Americans,” “Brazilian Americans,” “Chilean Americans,” “Colombian Americans,” “Peruvian Americans,” and “Venezuelan Americans.” Various pages in The Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, Society, edited by Ilan Stavans. New York: Grolier.